BALAS QUE NÃO ERRAM (No Name On The Bullet, 1959) Blu-ray

- Título original : No Name on the Bullet
- Ano: 1959
- Duração: 77 min.
- Country: United States
- Diretor: Jack Arnold
- Roteiro: Howard Amacker, Gene L. Coon
- Música: Herman Stein, Irving Gertz
- Cinematografia: Harold Lipstein
- Elenco: Audie Murphy,
Joan Evans,
Charles Drake,
Virginia Grey,
Warren Stevens,
Simon Scott,
R.G. Armstrong,
Willis Bouchey,
Karl Swenson,
Jerry Paris,
John Alderson,
Whit Bissell,
Russ Bender,
Charles Watts,
Sam Savitsky,
Guy Wilkerson,
Herman Hack,
Jack Perrin,
Bob Steele,
William Mims,
Jess Kirkpatrick,
Al Haskell
- Produção: Universal International Pictures (UI)
- Gênero: Western.
- Sinopse: John Grant, um matador profissional, chega a cidade de Lordsburg, e ninguém sabe quem ele veio matar e todos ficam temerosos. Enquanto esperam que ele faça um movimento, a paranoia toma conta da população.
- Idioma: Inglês
- Legendas: Português
- Colorido
- *******************************************
- Original title: No Name on the Bullet
- Year: 1959
- Running time: 77 min.
- Country: United States
- Director: Jack Arnold
- Screenwriter: Howard Amacker, Gene L. Coon
- Music: Herman Stein, Irving Gertz
- Cinematography: Harold Lipstein
- Cast: Audie Murphy,
Joan Evans,
Charles Drake,
Virginia Grey,
Warren Stevens,
Simon Scott,
R.G. Armstrong,
Willis Bouchey,
Karl Swenson,
Jerry Paris,
John Alderson,
Whit Bissell,
Russ Bender,
Charles Watts,
Sam Savitsky,
Guy Wilkerson,
Herman Hack,
Jack Perrin,
Bob Steele,
William Mims,
Jess Kirkpatrick,
Al Haskell
- Producer: Universal International Pictures (UI)
- Genre: Western. Mystery
- Synopsis / Plot: Cool, cultured John Gant rides into
Lordsburg. Gant is a professional killer, and although no one knows who
he is there to kill, they are all worried. Everyone has enemies, and
maybe Gant is in town for them. While they wait for him to make his
move, paranoia starts taking over...